Yeshe Tsogyal Thangka
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Tibetan Thangka painting depicting Yeshe Tsogyal is perfect for various home décor ideas! This 100% hand-drawn Thangka painting made in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal can be decorated as an elegant and eccentric wall hanging in your home or office being a centrepiece of attention. It can also be placed on your family altar for meditation purposes as well as spiritual and emotional healing, attracting benevolent energy of the Tibetan Buddhist art.
- 24 Carat Gold Thangka Painting
- Dimensions: 64 x 45 cm
- Materials: 24 Carat Gold & Semi-Precious Natural Minerals mixed with Hide Glue
- Canvas: Organic Cotton
- Origin: Nepal
- Hand Painted In Nepal
Yeshe Tsogyal is the principal consort of Guru Padmasambhava, emanation of Tara and considered the Mother of Tibetan Buddhism.
Her name means “Wisdom Lake Queen” and she is the reincarnation of Maya Devi, the mother of Buddha.
Yeshe Tsogyal's main function is to treasure and preserve the tantric teachings as mentioned on the Heart-Sphere of the Dakinis.
She spent many years in isolated meditation retreat and accomplished different cycles of tantric spiritual practices that she received directly from Guru Rinpoche Padmasambhava and several wisdom beings including the practices of: tummo, Vajrakilaya, karmamudra sadhana, and zhitro.
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