Wheel Of Life - Art Of Tibet

Samsara, The wheel of Life. When did someone asks what is mean by Samsara,  the answer can be abbreviated to "all existences that are accustomed by suffering, ignorance, and the inexplicable surge of time". 

Often painted on the outlying walls of Buddhist monasteries, Samsara - The Wheel of Life can be counted as the very essence of the Buddhist philosophy as it proposes insights into some of its most prominent concepts. It portrays and explains the cyclic nature of metempsychosis and the different aspects of our observed reality. It also explicates the importance our actions have on our being - or what we choose to call karma.

The idea of reincarnation is also to be discovered in Vedic literature - "bhava chakra".  Sanskrit is a metonym of the word Samsara. This can be divided into bhava which means origin and chakra which symbolizes circle or rotation. This opinion of a rotation or cycle is in reality re-incarnation. We do not conquer a stable place within Samsara, although depending on our Karma we will reach from one existence to another.

Surpassing the Samsara we have Nirvana. Nirvana the world is unaffected by cold emotions, which by definition is the pure nature of happiness and the ultimate accomplishment that we are all seeking. We are all Buddhas abiding to become enlightened.

This theme is a little more complicated than the introduction as previously, scroll down if you crave to read a more comprehensive look or buy a wheel of life. The sections of Thangkas are divided into three sections so that you can better understand the purity of beautiful paintings. You can buy Thangka Paintings Online from Art of Tibet.

The three poisons hold the center of the Wheel of Life, as they function as “fuel” giving impulse to the “wheel”.


  1. Desire: represented by a cockerel.
  2. Hatred/Jealousy: represented by the snake.
  3. Ignorance: Represented by a boar.

The use of animals as metaphors here is important. We can see that an individual animal is sticking onto the tail of the animal in front of him. Which typifies the fact that certain negative emotions point to each other in an unending loop. It is totally by our effort and spiritual progress that we can constantly gain control and conclusively destroy these emotions.


The next circle out from the Wheel of Life is called Bardo. It shows spirits dragged downwards by Demons, as they have overlooked Dharma and allow the 3 Poisons to overcome them. And disciples of dharma being head upwards, having struggled to overcome the 3 Poisons and the contrary karma that it brings. The name Bardo has no direct version, as it roots itself in the theory of re-birth, something we contemplate to be comparatively new to the “west”. It describes the state in which our genii find themselves at the consequence between life and death – the Intermediate State.

Samsara begins at the unconscious state of Bardo, stretches into birth, and is concluded at the instant of death, thus the imagery or accurate translation: the Wheel of Life.

As our Karma grows, it will find itself in its corresponding “world”.

If somebody finds themselves with comparable Karmas, their consciousness will encounter, through common attitudes, an identical world. Humans, for example, all have alike sense organs which allow them access to an identical world. Buddhism though allows a multiplicity of possible demonstrations, each functioning in a correspondence “universe”.


There exist 6 worlds

  • Gods
  • Titans
  • Humans
  • Animals
  • Hungry Spirits
  • Hell. 

We as humans can only see two: the Human world (our world) and the Animal World. From a Buddhist scene, the fact we cannot observe the other worlds does not doom their existence, but further explains that we are concealed by what we can see, smell, hear, touch, and taste The presence of the 6 worlds is confirmed by the numerous informed beings that possess abilities that are far superior to ours.

The six worlds of the Wheel of Life can also be divided into 2 groups:

  • Three Upper Worlds: Gods, Titans, and Humans, 

  which happiness is greater than suffering.

  • Three Lower Worlds: Animals, Hungry Spirits, and Hell, 

which suffering is greater than happiness.


    1 – GODS – The Highest Order

    The gods (déva), during remarkably long lives, enjoy the happiness of all things. Their affliction comes at the edge of their lives when they are denied by their community and a flash into the world in which they will be reborn which, via definition, will be a more secondary world, having exhausted their merits bathing for centuries in more indulgences than we may dream of.

    The pride connected with huge amounts of positive karma can direct you to be re-born in this section of the Wheel of Life.

    2 – THE TITANS – Samsara at work

    The Titans (assoura) or demi-divine beings are amazing creatures whose fundamental occupation and enduring is to be continually occupied with clashes and contentions. 

    Rumors from far and wide suggest that the Tree of Life fills in this world, yet the Fruit of Eternal Life which it bears, falls into the World of the Gods. Which are the nature behind their Jealousy and Constant clash with the Gods. 

    Envy related with some great karma prompts resurrection in this domain of the Wheel of Life.

    3 – HUMANS – Our Existence

    People (mansuya)suffer basically from birth, maturing, affliction, and passing, yet additionally from numerous different sufferings and challenges. Dissimilar to different universes it is feasible to get profound education in this world, which isn't the situation for different universes. 

    Want, combined with an unrivaled limit with regards to great karma as opposed to terrible karma, prompts resurrection in this domain of the wheel of life.

    4 – ANIMALS – Everyday Samsara

    Creatures (tiryanca) experience the ill effects of cold, hunger, infection, barbarianism, subjugation, and abuse by people. They likewise experience the ill effects of extremely restricted insight. 

    The negative karma that is related to obliviousness prompts resurrection in the creative universe of Samsara.

    5 – HUNGRY SPIRITS – The opening of “hell”

    The ravenous spirits experience the ill effects of an appetite and thirst that can never be extinguished or fulfilled by the rare events they discover food or water. 

    Covetousness and the negative karma related to it will prompt resurrection in this domain of the Wheel of Life.

    6 – THE DAMNED – Hell in Buddhism

    The condemned (Naraka) are the individuals who live in Buddhist heck, universes of extraordinary enduring in which life is amazingly long. The creatures that wind up there are liable to torment with fire and ice and various sufferings. 

    Negative karma related with disdain will prompt resurrection in Samsara damnation.


    The comprehension of the wheel of life or Samsara as some like to call it, would not be finished without this crucial snippet of data: The human world, because of harmony among great and wickedness, makes profound practice simpler to achieve and subsequently is supported by the Buddhas. In any case, it isn't because they favor our (human) world that they don't meditate in every one of the universes to diminish the weights of enduring that all creatures convey and if conceivable lead them to the way of freedom (illumination). There are 6 gatherings of Buddhas that act in every world :

    1. INDRA “Offerings a Hundredfold” – white in color, for the Gods
    2. VEMACITRA “Splendid Robe” – green in color, for the Titans.
    3. SHAKYASIMHA “Lion of the Shakyas” – yellow in color, for the Human World.
    4. DHRUVASIMHA “Unmovable Lion” – green in color, for the Animal World.
    5. JVALAMUKHA “Flamboyant Mouth” – red in color, for the world of the Hungry Spirits.
    6. DHARMARAJA “King of Dharma” – black in color, for Hell.

    As you can see from the rundown over, no world is neglected and illumination is conceivable from any of the universes, yet as clarified over the harmony among great and malicious found in our reality, permits us a bigger ability to get away from the holds of Yama, maybe after numerous long stretches of reflection, different Siddhis, perpetual liberality, and satisfaction.

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